Hats Off: Heroes Save Boy’s Frozen Bambi From Frozen Canal
Jeff & Aimee are giving a Hats Off to a group of heroes who helped a little boy!
While out on a walk in Ottawa, Canada, Brenda Duke and her two son’s decided to test their pitching arm, according to CBC.
2-year-old Santiago threw his favorite stuffed bambi toy to his six-year-old brother Sebastian. Unfortunately, Santiago’s favorite toy fell in Ottawa’s frozen Rideau Canal.
Unable to retrieve the toy, Duke decided to ask neighbors via Twitter to see if they can help retrieve it.
“I didn’t want to bother anyone. I don’t think anyone would care,” said Duke in a CBC interview. However, she gave it a shot!
“If anyone happens to see a ‘stuffie’ reindeer (I think it’s a fawn actually) when the canal opens my kids would be grateful,” read her Tweet.
Sure enough, the National Capital Commission caught wind of it and pledged to have the skateway squad rescue it.
Eventually, the boy was reunited with his stuffed toy thanks to the National Capital Commission’s skateway squad.
After several hours of relentless searching, our courageous NCC Skateway team saved a stuffed baby deer from a most tragic end. He is now safe and sound while he defrosts!
— Rideau Canal Skateway (@NCC_Skateway) January 19, 2021
We know a young owner who will be very happy to find him. 😉🦌 pic.twitter.com/mGcImYFV1c
All thawed out and headed home! 💛
— Rideau Canal Skateway (@NCC_Skateway) January 21, 2021
The stuffed deer heroically rescued by the NCC Skateway Team has now been reunited with its best friend. Smiles all around! pic.twitter.com/kSZqTpkaVv