Natural Light, Pabst Blue Ribbon Launching New Hard Seltzer Labels
Feel like everyone is trying to get into the hard seltzer game? You might not be wrong. Natural Light and Pabst Blue Ribbon are capitalizing on the crazy by launching…

Feel like everyone is trying to get into the hard seltzer game? You might not be wrong.
Natural Light and Pabst Blue Ribbon are capitalizing on the crazy by launching their own hard seltzer labels. Natty Light's hard seltzer comes in two flavors: Catalina Lime Mixer, a cherry-lime flavor, and Aloha Beaches, a mango and peach flavor. Both flavors are 6% ABV.
PBR, meanwhile, is capitalizing on how many hard seltzer don't have a higher ABV and has unveiled Pabst Blue Ribbon's Stronger Seltzer. The lime and Stevia-sweetened beverage clocks in at 8% ABV.
To find if a store near you is carrying these new seltzers, check out or