Want to Make a Great Impression? Here’s a Surprising Trick.
Picture this: you meet someone new, and the pressure to impress kicks in. You start dropping hints about your job, education, and accomplishments, hoping to come across as smart and…

Picture this: you meet someone new, and the pressure to impress kicks in. You start dropping hints about your job, education, and accomplishments, hoping to come across as smart and capable. But guess what? That approach might not be the best one after all.
A recent study discovered that it's way simpler than you might think – just ask for advice.
Believe it or not, seeking advice can actually make you appear smarter.
In some fascinating studies conducted by Harvard and Wharton researchers, students were paired up to tackle brain teasers. Some were told they would be evaluated solely based on their accuracy, while others were informed that their partner would judge them on the impression they made.
The students had three options for communication:
They could say, "Hey, can you give me any advice?"
They could say, "Hey, I hope you did well."
They could choose to say nothing at all.
Not surprisingly, those who were evaluated based on accuracy were quick to ask for advice. But here's the kicker: those who were judged on the impression they made were less likely to seek help. They were afraid it would make them seem less competent.
But here's the fascinating part:
When students were paired with a partner who asked them for advice or remained neutral, they actually thought more highly of the advice seeker. They believed that the person seeking advice must be pretty sharp – partly because it's flattering to be asked for help.
So, the takeaway here is simple: the next time you find yourself in a conversation with someone new, forget about showcasing your achievements. Instead, try asking for their advice or insights. By doing so, you'll not only come across as more intelligent, but you'll also create a positive impression by acknowledging their expertise.
Listen to Ransom Garcia weekday afternoons from 3 to 7 on 1079 Coyote Country
It's a Powerful Tool
Remember, asking for advice is a powerful tool for building connections and making a lasting impact. So, don't hesitate to tap into this secret weapon and watch how it transforms your interactions for the better!
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Listen to Ransom Garcia weekday afternoons from 3 to 7 on 1079 Coyote Country