Warner Bros. Discovery Splits From Vegas Studio Partner, Seeks New Developer
Moving away from original plans, Warner Bros. Discovery has parted ways with Birtcher Development on its production studio project in Las Vegas.
UNLV is central to this project, as the college is working to connect its tech park with the new studio. This partnership aims to boost both education and entertainment in the region, The Hollywood Reporter reported.
WBD is looking for new partners for its huge Warner Bros. Studios Nevada, set for development at the Harry Reid Research & Technology Park. The studio will bring 16,600 new jobs. Production roles make up the bulk of these positions, with 12,000 jobs. Experts predict the state will gain $1.2 billion yearly, climbing to $13.5 billion after 15 years.
“The whole development is really linked to driving employment and growth tied to the creative arts,” said Simon Robinson, Warner Bros. Studios Chief Operating Officer, to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “It’s not a big property development that just happens to have a studio in the corner. This is really us as a company, putting roots down and becoming part of the community.”
A “Crew HQ” training facility will open within three years. This lines up well with new film tax incentives that state officials will soon review. Visitors to the studio will get to see how movies are made when they take tours similar to those offered at other popular WBD locations.
Meanwhile, Sony Pictures has kicked off work on its own studio in Summerlin in partnership with Howard Hughes Corp. Both companies are counting on lawmakers to approve the new tax incentives.