Jake Owen Opens Up About The Challenges Of Being A Single Dad
Being a parent is hard, but being a single parent is even harder, as you don’t always get to spend time with your child/children as often as you like. Just…

Mike Windle / Getty Images
Mike Windle / Getty ImagesBeing a parent is hard, but being a single parent is even harder, as you don't always get to spend time with your child/children as often as you like.
Just ask Jake Owen.
Owen, who announced his divorce in 2015, is still adjusting to life as a single parent -- but his four-year-old daughter Pearl helps him keep his priorities in order.
The country music star recently celebrated his 36th birthday. You'd probably expect a single guy would celebrate his birthday at a bar with his buddies, but Owen did quite the opposite. He and Pearl celebrated the special day at Disney's Magic Kingdom.
On Twitter, Owen excitedly proclaimed his 36th birthday was one of his best birthdays of all time.
He also shared a photo gallery on Instagram with a heartfelt caption. In the caption, Owen said even though he is getting older, his life continues to get better each and every day. While he admitted being a single parent isn't something he planned, he said he is lucky to have Pearl to remind him what his purpose in life is.
QCWriter is a journalist who is fueled by espresso and motivated by determination. She specializes in pop culture, country music, and news content. You can follow her on Twitter by clicking here: @QCWriter.