Backyard Fireworks Safety: Essential Tips
Nearly seven years ago, Terry Davis of Whitehaven found himself unexpectedly in the spotlight on the Fourth of July. While celebrating America’s independence, a malfunction with his wheelchair placed him…

Nearly seven years ago, Terry Davis of Whitehaven found himself unexpectedly in the spotlight on the Fourth of July. While celebrating America’s independence, a malfunction with his wheelchair placed him extremely close to a fireworks display. As family members screamed in concern from behind the camera, Terry's moment of surprise became a viral sensation. Luckily, he was completely unharmed by the fireworks.
With Independence Day approaching next week, it’s a timely reminder to prioritize safety, particularly when handling fireworks.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is warning about the dangers of Fourth of July fireworks, emphasizing that while they're a holiday tradition, they can be risky if not handled carefully. “Each July 4th, thousands of people, especially kids and teens, get hurt using fireworks,” the NFPA website reminded us.
Fireworks Safety
Officials are offering key advice on preparing for the holiday, such as purchasing fireworks from state-approved vendors, carefully reading warnings and instructions before use, and choosing a smooth, fire-safe location for lighting them.
Officials emphasize the importance of having a fire extinguisher nearby, keeping fireworks out of the reach of children, and never trying to relight a “dud.” They also recommend submerging failed fireworks in water before disposal to prevent accidents.
For pet owners, officials stress the importance of monitoring animals closely during fireworks displays, as many pets may flee when frightened.
They say to keep pets indoors with distractions like a TV to help them cope with the excitement. Should a pet escape, they advise contacting local shelters promptly, as lost animal incidents tend to rise around the Fourth of July.
The NFPA shared a tragic story about three-year-old Michael Shannon, who was killed when a legal consumer firework struck him in the head during a Fourth of July family celebration. Michael's parents and sister recount their cherished memories of him, the pain they've endured since his death, and their hope that parents will recognize the dangers of consumer fireworks.
If you're feeling uncertain about setting off fireworks yourself, consider attending a local fireworks display instead. Professional shows offer a spectacular and safe way to enjoy the holiday without the risks associated with handling fireworks at home. By leaving it to the experts, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy fireworks without worry. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.
For more safety information and tips on fireworks and fire safety, visit the NFPA's website here.