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Hats Off: Students Honor Their Professor In The Most Heartwarming Viral Video

Jeff & Aimee in the Morning is giving a Hats Off to some awesome students from the College of New Jersey! While teaching his statistics class Adam Shrager’s students decided to…

Jeff & Aimee in the Morning is giving a Hats Off to some awesome students from the College of New Jersey!

While teaching his statistics class Adam Shrager's students decided to show how much they truly appreciated their professor via zoom.

"Usually, in this class, solidly 90% of the students keep their cameras on the entire class. Sometimes they even send me a note apologizing that they will keep their camera off during a particular class for one reason or another," said Shrager, in a statement. "Logging in and seeing no faces at all was very strange. All I could think was that my internet was slow or something."

However, there wasn't anything wrong with his computer or his internet. All of his students had actually turned off their cameras only to reveal loving signs they created during the last class of the semester.

"As their cameras clicked on, and I started reading the signs, I was overcome and truly moved. Even a bit teary. It was incredible and sweet," said Shrager, in a statement.

Check out the viral video below!