Lady A’s Hillary Scott Chases Her Dream For Her Daughters
Lady A’s Hillary Scott has three little girls, whom she would love to stay home with all the time, but she actually feels like she would be doing them a…

Lady A's Hillary Scott has three little girls, whom she would love to stay home with all the time, but she actually feels like she would be doing them a disservice if she didn’t chase her dream and follow her passion to make music.
Hillary told us, “I feel like I’m being pulled by both my arms and I’m a perforated page. That’s how it will always be [between] the pull of parenthood and the pull of a calling and a dream that we’re so blessed to be able to chase and do and call our career. It’s very, very right on the surface and raw.”
At the same time, she knows that what she feels is what millions of other people feel, whether they have to leave their kids for eight hours or eight days because of their career. And for Hillary, pursuing her dream and living out her passion is also a part of being a good parent, she says, “It’s hard to leave them when they’re your world, they’re your responsibility, but wanting them to understand because we have children, to raise them up to be good humans, that this is a part of life and to chase a dream and want them to find the same thing.”