“Stolen” Game Shown During PlayStation State Of Play
Sony’s State of Play went down this week, and it featured all third part games and no news on how much the system is going to cost. And guess what?…

LOS ANGELES, CA – JUNE 13: Game enthusiasts and industry personnel walk past the ‘Sony Playstation’ exhibit during the Electronic Entertainment Expo E3 at the Los Angeles Convention Center on…
Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesSony’s State of Play went down this week, and it featured all third part games and no news on how much the system is going to cost. And guess what? It didn’t blow anybody away, but it was exactly what Sony has been so good at doing; getting people excited for the PS5 without over-promising and over-hyping anything. The presentation itself was pretty okay- announcements that the new Crash game is a direct sequel, Gearbox Studios, the devs behind the Borderlands series, is releasing a new loot-based adventure game, and Reddit spam favorite The Pedestrian were all making their way to the PS5 alongside my personal favorite of the group, Spelunky 2. The only major hiccup was not even related to the material itself, but the working conditions around one of the games featured, Aeon Must Die.
Dr. Disrespect drops out of NOWHERE to announce he is streaming on YouTube today, and he crushes the numbers Ninja had during HIS return to Twitch, so does YouTube finally have the momentum to compete with Twitch? Plus, the State of Play 2020 for Sony happened yesterday, so what games were announced that YOU should be paying attention to, and what game that was supposedly STOLEN WORK should you avoid? And, new legislation plans to BAN TikTok and WeChat company Tencent, but will it also affect huge gaming companies like Riot and Epic?
"Stolen" Game Aeon Must Die Shown
In total, eight members of the Aeon Must Die creative team resigned from Limestone Games (the publisher) in June, and the now ex-employees say that it’s because of poor working conditions and just abysmal treatment from the publishing company itself.
“This trailer was created with abuse, manipulation, [and] theft,” the description of a third-party YouTube upload of the Aeon Must Die video reads, right before linking to a DropBox account containing all kinds of info that attempted to prove it came from the workers who were cast out of their former employers' oversight right before this game was shown. “People who have worked on every shot of this are no longer with the company holding IP rights. Some were not even paid for their work. The real IP for the game was stolen from the creators via foul play.” Yikes. Hopefully, if Sony is able to correct this by making a statement or holding Limestone Games accountable for this, then I would say that it was a fairly successful event, barring the whole “featuring a game made on literally stolen work that centered around abusing the people who made it” thing
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