If you know anything about my family you know that we are HUGE football fans. Having the the Las Vegas Raiders in town and having the Pro Bowl here has been so cool for us, especially for our 13-year old Jayden, whose life is all about football!
Here’s a picture of Jayden “mossing” (that’s what the kids say) his defender.
On Friday, I took Jayden out of school early and surprised him with a trip to Pro Bowl practice at the Las Vegas Ballpark. (Don’t Mom-shame me, if you could have seen his face when I told him where we were going you would have taken him out too!)
The City of Las Vegas had quite the weekend! Look at Las Vegas Ballpark‘s transformation.
He has never been to a professional football game, so he’s never been up close to NFL players and he was so excited to see his idols practicing and interacting with fans! They did such an awesome job taking time signing footballs, jerseys, helmets, and even shoes of the kids anxiously waiting to get an autograph.
If I had to pick a favorite player based on how interactive they were with fans, I would say Stefon Diggs. He was so fun, danced around and signed so many things, and threw his clove to fans in the stands! I am originally from upstate New York, and even though I am a New York Giants fan, I have always had respect for the Buffalo Bills, now more than ever because of Diggs.
They had the Pro Bowl trophy there on display for fans to get a picture with and he was in awe. Jayden’s dream is to be in the NFL one day so to see it all through his eyes was pretty incredible for me. Thank you so much for taking a look at these photos. Did anyone else go? Let me know on Instagram!