What Brett Young Sits In His Driveway and Cries About
Even though Brett Young is a married man and father of two beautiful little girls, he sometimes sits in his driveway to cry over a sad song. Brett believes that most people are also a sucker for a good sad song.
Young told us, “I think that that’s what people connect with the most, matters of the heart, right? You can write all the party songs in the world; we need those too. But I don’t think people are deeply invested in those. I think that’s when they like wanna turn up or kinda turn their brain off.”
He adds, “I think for me, if I’m listening to something, even right now I’m happily married with two beautiful little girls, and I hear a new sad song that I think is well written that I can relate to, I’ll still sit in my driveway and cry to it all by myself.”
Brett’s latest song, “You Didn’t,” is featured on his latest album, Weekends Look A Little Different These Days, along with his #1 song, “Lady.”
The song was inspired by his wife, Taylor. He shared, “The interesting thing for me is that me and Taylor, my wife, were broken up for two years and then got back together. The most painful break-up I ever went through was when I broke up with her, and so that’s where I went when we wrote this one.”
The chorus of the tear-jerker includes the lyrics, “There’s nothing I could say / To make you wanna stay / Your heart made up it’s mind / I don’t want you to lie one more minute / You ain’t done nothing wrong / I’m not where you belong / Don’t let one teardrop fall / Girl, you think it’s your fault / But it isn’t / I fell in love, and you didn’t.”
His wife appears in the song’s video.