Two Limousines Owned By Siegfried & Roy Are Up For Auction
An auction for two vintage limousines that used to belong to the legendary Las Vegas Strip performers Siegfried & Roy is currently underway. But before I get to that, can I share a personal story about my connection with the famous magicians and entertainers? I hope it doesn’t get me into any trouble, but it’s something I think about whenever I find myself driving on Roy Horn way. And when I think about it, it always brings a smile to my face.
Have you heard the saying that Las Vegas is big city, but it’s also a small town? Because when I was a student at Kenny C. Guinn Middle School, here in Las Vegas, I learned how true that saying is.
Siegfried & Roy Owned The 90s
It was the nineties. I was entering my teenage years, and even though I consider myself to have been a really good/well-behaved kid, I still found myself getting into a little bit of trouble now and then.
I had a best friend, who for privacy sake, will remain unnamed. He and I were inseparable. We’d always be at one another’s houses, playing basketball, video games, riding bikes, and just being kids. I remember his house being much nicer than mine because my dad was a welder and his dad was high level executive at The Mirage. I don’t exactly know what he did for the casino, but I know he was kind of a big deal.
One day, when my friend and I were playing inside his house, we stumbled across his dad’s rolodex. That’s a word I haven’t used in a while, but I told you, it was the nineties and that’s how so many people kept track of phone numbers back then.
Curiosity got the best of us and my friend and I started thumbing through the contacts. That’s when we came across the home phone number of Siegfried & Roy. Las Vegas has always been known for its incredible entertainment, and during the 90s, Siegfried & Roy absolutely dominated the Las Vegas Strip!
“We have to call it!” I remember telling my friend.
“No way!” He said, “What if they pick up?”
“Then we ask how the tigers are doing!” I said.
We punched the numbers into the landline phone in my friend’s dad’s office. It rang a few times and then a man with a German accent answered.
Siegfried & Roy Taught Us A Lesson
We froze for about ten seconds and got the giggles, then we hung the phone up. A few seconds later, the phone started to ring! We didn’t realize “star 6-9” was a thing.
My friend’s dad answered it from another phone in the house and then we heard him yell our names to come downstairs! To our surprise, my friend’s dad wasn’t that mad. Instead, he handed the phone to both of us and we spent the next few minutes speaking with Siegfried & Roy.
In case you’re wondering, we did ask about the tigers. The guys told us they were doing well. They also told us that it’s not polite to prank call people, but later said we could call again if we wanted to chat or ask about the cats.
I don’t know if my friend ever did, he and his family moved away about a year later and we lost touch, but that was the only time I ever spoke to the magicians. It’s a memory that makes me smile every time I think about it.
Back To Siegfried & Roy‘s Limos
Two Vanden Plas Princess Limousines are currently up for auction that were previously owned by Siegfried & Roy. Bidding for the vehicles is open until June 3rd, giving you a chance to own a piece of Las Vegas history.
Both limos are from the 1960’s, and according to a report by the Las Vegas Review Journal, the famous magicians would oftentimes use them to make their grand entrances. Siegfried even claimed that one of the limousines was owned by Hollywood star Greta Garbo.
To see the 1967 Vanden Plas Princess click HERE
To see the 1965 Vanden Plas Princess click HERE