Dry January Is Over And These Are The Healthiest Alcoholic Drinks
There are a few people in the office who observed Dry January, including our good friend Aimee Thomas! However, for people like me, it was a very moist month. Moist January!
I actually don’t drink as often as most people probably assume. I normally have a tequila or two on Mondays, while we’re at Gilley’s. And a little over a year ago, I even changed what adult beverages I consume. I stopped drinking beer, in an effort to try to be a little healthier.
Health and alcohol aren’t normally two things that go hand in hand. However, if you’d like your first drink out of the year to be on the healthier side, a dietician broke down what to look for. According to her article on Real Simple, look for drinks that are lower in sugar and higher in healthy ingredients.
Here are some of the healthier alcoholic drinks, now that Dry January is over…
The Hot Toddy
A hot toddy is one of the simpler mixed drinks. They’re made with: hot water, whiskey, honey, and lemon.
Some people even swear that hot toddies are a home remedy that can help with cold and flu symptoms. When we make them in our household, we add spices like ginger too.
The Bloody Mary
Perhaps my personal favorite on this list, the Bloody Mary typically contains vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, salt, and pepper. It’s not uncommon for the drink to be garnished with celery stalk or dill pickle spear and a lemon wedge.
With all those ingredients, you can imagine these have more vitamins than most drinks.
Red Wine
It’s made from grapes, so it isn’t surprising that red wine is on this list. There are still conflicting studies, but according to the Mayo Clinic, the antioxidants in red wine are believed to prevent damage to blood vessels. Of course, not drinking any alcohol is still believed to be the best thing you can do for your health, especially if alcoholism runs in your family.
Hard Seltzers
Perhaps the most surprising choice on the Real Simple article are hard seltzers. But according to the article, most hard seltzers are just sparkling water and a clear liquor. The trick is to choose one that is low on sugar, so pay attention to labels!