Millennials And Gen Z Will Be Spending Way Less This Valentine’s Day
There’s no denying it. Being an adult is expensive. From housing, to utilities, to other random things… it’s hard to be a grown up. Also, why does it feel like food spoils so much faster when you’re an adult?
I swear my last batch of bananas lasted all of 3 days before they turned brown. And listen, I don’t mean to alarm you, but one of the most expensive holidays is just 3 weeks away. Yup, I’m talking about Valentine’s Day! If you don’t want to get into a fight with your significant other, it might be a good idea to set some spending limits.
Valentine’s Day Is Nearly A Payday!
According to a new report by Trust Pilot, millennials and Gen Z are feeling the most pressure to spend more on this year’s holiday. According to their findings, members of both generations think they they should spend around $158 on their significant other.
But in reality, they might actually be spending less… not because they don’t want to, but because they might not be able to. And with the rising costs of living, Trust Pilot believes most people will be spending significantly less. When compared to last year’s survey, Trust Pilot believes millennials and gen z are expected to spend around 50 percent less than last year.
When you break down the numbers even more, for people who WANT their S/O to spend money on them, a surprising 21 percent of people said they’d actually be okay not getting anything from their partner. Instead, opting to buy themselves something for the day.
I don’t know, fellas. That feels like a trap to me. You should probably get your partner something. Even if it’s something small.
RELATED: 11 Valentine’s Gifts You Can Get At The Dollar Store
Next, 17% said they’d be okay if it was made up another time. And on the flip side, 10% of people said they’d dump their partner if they didn’t get anything for V-Day.