TikTok Is The Reason For This School’s Strange Punishment
Have you ever read one of those stories that just made you feel super old? Because I just did.
I’ve been out of high school for over 20 years. I graduated from Durango High School in 2002. And back in my day (I totally typed that in an old guy voice), schools were worried about kids smoking in the bathrooms. Apparently, that is not the case for a school in North Carolina.
According to this WFMY News 2 article, a North Carolina school removed the mirrors in the bathrooms. And their reasoning? To stop students from making TikTok videos!
Oh, how the times have changed!
Our Beasley Broadcasting sister station in Charlotte, Country 1037, also reported on the story. They say teachers at Southern Alamance Middle School in Graham, North Carolina noticed kids were asking to use the bathroom up to NINE times a day. Teachers also noticed bathroom breaks were taking way longer than necessary.
Should TikTok Be Blamed?
After some investigating, they discovered the culprit… TikTok. Students were caught using the mirrors for their videos, so school admin decided the best way to end the time wasting would be to remove the mirrors. All of them.
The punishment seems a little harsh, but according to WFMY’s reporting, the tactic worked. Teachers noticed that kids started asking to use the bathroom less. And when they did, they aren’t wasting as much time returning to the classroom.
The comments on this video ask some interesting questions and bring up some valid points. One YouTube user suggested that phones are the real problem. And they suggested that phones be taken away at the start of class.
Another user suggested that we need to return to flip phones.
And finally, someone on the site joked “Where are we supposed to pop our pimples now?” in reference to the mirrors being taken away.