Gen Z Has Rebranded The White Tank Top
Let’s face it, the name “wife beater” for those white tank tops usually worn by men wasn’t winning any popularity contests to begin with.
But hold on to your tank tops because Gen Z decided to give this old term a modern makeover.
The Gen Z Impact
In a move that seems like a logical step in 2023, the new name for the classic white tank top is… drum roll, please… “WIFE PLEASER.” (Yep, you read that right.)
This innovative moniker is already making the rounds on TikTok and even earned a spot in the Urban Dictionary last year. So, “wife pleaser” is officially a thing now.
With these tank tops making a comeback in the fashion scene, the idea behind the new name is that they’re pleasing to the eye. And hey, it almost rhymes with the old term, making the transition somewhat poetic, if you will.
Now, the origin of the term “wife beater” is shrouded in mystery. Some say it dates back to a guy who unfortunately made headlines for a horrific crime involving his spouse back in 1947. Marlon Brando’s appearance in a film as an abusive husband in the 1951 film “A Streetcar Named Desire” may have further cemented the term in popular culture, according to an article by GQ.
Not The First Try
Believe it or not, this isn’t the first attempt at finding a new name for these tank tops. Suggestions like “wife lover,” “wife blesser,” and “wife respecter” (yes, really) didn’t quite take off. Some even argue that a simple “tank top” or “undershirt” would do just fine.
RELATED: Gen Z Slang Vs. Millennial Slang
So there you have it, the white tank top has undergone a linguistic evolution, and “wife pleaser” is the phrase du jour. Whether you love it or think it’s a bit of a stretch, it’s hard to deny that language is ever-changing, and this new name is definitely raising some eyebrows – and perhaps a few tank tops too.