Robots and AI Could Automate 39% of Household Chores by 2033, Experts Say
Robots and AI Could Automate 39% of Household Chores by 2033, Experts Say
It’s no secret that robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly advancing, and with that comes concerns that they might take over jobs traditionally done by humans. However, there’s a potential upside – robots and AI could also take care of our household chores, freeing up our time and energy.
Experts predict that by 2033, up to 39% of the time spent on housework and caring for loved ones could be automated. This includes tasks such as grocery shopping, household cleaning, cooking, and laundry. In fact, some of these tasks are already being handled by delivery services, but perhaps in the future, robots and AI could take care of the entire process, including ordering and cooking.
However, there are some tasks that are less likely to be automated, mainly those involving human interaction or care for living things, such as childcare, pet care, and teaching a child. These tasks require a level of empathy and personal touch that robots and AI may not be able to replicate.
While the idea of robots and AI taking over our jobs can be concerning, there is a silver lining to consider. With more time and energy freed up from household chores, we could potentially focus on other things that bring us joy and fulfillment. So even though change can be difficult, it’s important to embrace the possibilities and opportunities that come with it.
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