Things To Know About Veterans Day
Things To Know About Veterans Day
Today (Friday, Nov. 11th) is Veterans Day, a day when America honors the men and women that have served in the armed forces. Here are some things you might not know about Veteran’s Day:
It was originally known as ‘Armistice Day‘, honoring veterans of World War I. It was changed to Veterans Day in 1954 and now honors all U.S. service members.
From 1971-1978, Veterans Day was moved to the fourth Monday of October. It was eventually changed back to its original date of Nov. 11th.
What’s the right way to greet a veteran today? It’s best to avoid saying “Happy Veterans Day” – a better choice is simply “Thank you for your service“.
How do you plan to mark Veterans Day? Are there any veterans in your family?
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Today is Veterans Day, a day that pays tribute to all American veterans—living or dead—but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.
It is different than Memorial Day – that honors those who gave their lives serving our country.
Several businesses offer discounts and freebies for Veterans. has a complete listing
What does your town do to commemorate Veterans? Parade, monuments?