Here’s What Luke Bryan Inherited From His Dad
When I think about the things I inherited from my father, I am thankful my height isn’t one of them… Haha! He’s kind of short. Thankfully he’s got a lot of other great qualities that I am happy rubbed off on me a little bit.
It’s inevitable, we all inherit some things from our parents. Heck, we inherit things from all the people we allow into our inner circles.
Country star Luke Bryan is no different. He says he inherited his “Cordial And Friendly” attitude from his dad — and he also picked up a couple of quirks, too.
As Father’s Day approaches, Luke Bryan takes a look back at the traits he inherited from his dad.
Speaking about how Bryan handles his business, he says he learned by watching his father. “His navigation of business is always cordial and friendly with people,” the singer explains. “He was never one of those business guys that his route to business was to beat you down.”
Bryan says his father never wanted to see people go broke or force them into business. “He was a really polite businessman,” says Bryan. “I feel like I try to do my business that way.”
As for the pet peeves he got from his father, Bryan says, “If anybody goes and messes with his fishing tackle — and I’m the same way. I’ve got my tackle gear and then the boys go in my tackle shed and just destroy it. Ugh, it makes fire come out of my ears.”
I don’t know about you, but I can definitely relate to that last one, ESPECIALLY when it comes to my tool box! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to buy a new Phillip’s head screwdriver because someone moved the one that was in the tool box. And the worst part is that they always EVENTUALLY turn back up… so now I’m that weirdo who has 27 Phillip’s head screwdrivers. I guess, what I’m trying to say is, Does anyone need a Phillip’s head?
What traits or pet peeves did you inherit from your father?